Saturday, April 20, 2013

22 months

Reagan is 22 months today! I know I say this all the time but really where has the time gone? She thinks she is 5 years old. She wants to do EVERYTHING all by herself which is great except she can't do it all. I just can't believe that in a few short months little Reagan Grace will be 2 years old.
She is such a joy to us. She keep us entertained all the time by singing, dancing, and talking non-stop. She tells stories and we can pretty much get the idea of what she is trying to tell us. Such a big girl. I wanted to take a good picture to put up of her today but poor little girl has a cold/allergies. So, here's one from the beach.

Here's a picture of Reagan last year at this time! I can't believe it!!
Reagan at 10 months

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