Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Reagan Grace is quite the mess. She talks constantly, telling stories, tattling on Molly, and talking to her babies. She wants to do everything by herself. "Do self Mom, Do self Mom" is what she says all the time. Not sure when I made the transition from Mama to Mom but it makes me a little sad. I still encourage the word "Mama". Here are a few pics of my little mess of a girl, Reagie!

I think the spaghetti sauce on her face is truly the best part of this picture!
Talking, Talking, Talking

Sunday, April 21, 2013

YAY Spring!

Despite all the yellow pollen floating around, we tried to spend a lot of time outside this weekend. Reagan watched Daddy, as she says "do work". I'm so glad that Spring is finally here and that we can play outside. My countdown for summer vacation has already started!

Just watching Daddy
Sweet girl
checking out some ants
Looking for Daddy

Saturday, April 20, 2013

22 months

Reagan is 22 months today! I know I say this all the time but really where has the time gone? She thinks she is 5 years old. She wants to do EVERYTHING all by herself which is great except she can't do it all. I just can't believe that in a few short months little Reagan Grace will be 2 years old.
She is such a joy to us. She keep us entertained all the time by singing, dancing, and talking non-stop. She tells stories and we can pretty much get the idea of what she is trying to tell us. Such a big girl. I wanted to take a good picture to put up of her today but poor little girl has a cold/allergies. So, here's one from the beach.

Here's a picture of Reagan last year at this time! I can't believe it!!
Reagan at 10 months

Monday, April 8, 2013

Bubbles and the beach

We decided to take advantage of the semi-warm day at the beach and head outside. It was still pretty cold but Reagan loves playing outside so out we went.

Trying to blow some bubbles.
Heading out to the beach.

Reagan and Daddy

Sweet baby girl

Mamaw and PopPop
YAY! The beach!
Reagan and Mamaw
So long beach! Maybe next time we won't have to wear winter clothes!

NC Aquarium

Checking out the fish

SO big!
Checking out the stingrays.
Reagan and Daddy.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A chilly trip to the beach

We just got back from the beach and it was SO cold down there. Even though it was freezing, we had a great time. Luckily we found a few things to do other than relaxing on the beach.
We walked around the Wright Monument and even saw an airplane take off.  It felt like it was 10 degrees outside. 
The wind was just constantly blowing and Reagan was kept yelling "Oh no! Wind!"

Waiting for the plane to take off.

We walked out to the beach a few times and Reagan loved watching the waves. It was a little warmer towards the end of the week and we actually went out on the beach to walk around.

Checking out the waves.
More pictures to come...

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!
Reagan was a little timid about finding her Easter basket that the Easter Bunny hid. She was afraid to go behind the table to get it but with a little help from Daddy we finally got it! Don't you love the Christmas pajamas that she is wearing:)

She found it!
We went to church in the rain and then went over to Mamaw and PopPop's house. My sister (Aunt Bruce) was in town all the way from California. So, we had everyone here. It was great! Reagan was not in the best mood and we had to leave a little early because she was so cranky. Oh well, everyone has a bad day, right? Her cousin Sadie said "Looks like someone is having a bad day?" Hehe
A few hugs from Mamaw always makes  you feel better.
Just let me stay here.
Heading home for a nap.

After a well needed nap, Reagan was in a much better mood. We went to Reagan's great grandparents house (Grandma and Papa) for dinner. Still rainy!
A basket full of treats!