Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Flashback

I just had to post these pictures because I can't believe that this was Reagan's 3rd Christmas. Time is flying by and I don't like it!! She is such a big girl now and is going to be a big sister very soon! We love you Reagan Grace!!

First Christmas!
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

Reagan really loved Christmas this year! She was into everything. I'm not sure that she totally got the concept of Santa coming and bringing all the toys but she was certainly happy with everything that he brought. When she walked into the den she was more excited about the fire in the fireplace but once she spotted the Barbie car she was super excited. I loved watching her open all of her presents. I can't believe that next year we will have two little girls to celebrate Christmas with!!

Merry Christmas
Yep! Santa ate all the cookies that we left for him. Molly is checking it out too!
And Rudolph ate the carrots
Barbie Car!!! The helmet is for her bike but she wanted to wear it all morning!
Love it!
Checking out the stocking
My parents came over for breakfast and we opened presents with them too!

Reagan and Mamaw
A new table and chairs. Can't wait to put baby sister's name on the other chair:)
The girls or girlies as Reagan likes to say.
We were able to stay home all day long. Reagan took a long nap and played with her toys a lot. We went to Jason's grandparents once Reagan woke up. She was pretty tired by then but she had fun visiting with everyone!

Playing with Snow Bear at Grandma and Papa's
Woodstock! Yay!
Ready to go home.
Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Yay!!! Christmas finally arrived! Reagan was on overdrive all day long! We went to church and she was actually pretty good for most of the time. She loved all the songs and watching the other kids. After church, we went over to Mimi and Grandpa's house for dinner. We were out late and had to hurry home to get things ready for Santa. Reagan was exhausted!!

So excited
She kept saying "No more pictures, okay?"
She agreed to a few more.
Playing with Uncle Vic
We had to hurry home because we had a lot to do to prepare for Santa.
Special peanut butter cookies for Santa. Reagan says "He really like peanut butter cookies Mama."
Looking for Santa one last time.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Getting Ready for Christmas

Reagan is really excited about Christmas this year. I am not sure she totally gets it but she does love to help me with everything!! She's actually pretty helpful so I will definitely use the help while she is willing:)

Eating a gingerbread man, well really just the icing part:)

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Santa Brunch

We went to a Santa Brunch with my family. Reagan was not as excited about Santa this time. She refused to sit on his lap.

Pretty girl
Not excited about Santa at all!

Reagan and Mommy

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Precious Girl

Reagan entertains us constantly. She has quite the personality and I just LOVE that about her. She talks non-stop! And the words that she comes up with just amazes me each day! She is super excited about Christmas and everything that goes a long with it! Here are some recent pictures of all the Christmas fun that we have been having!

Playing with the nativity scene
Such a big girl
Decorating cookies
Eating cookies, the best part:)
On Saturday, we went for it and stood in line to see Santa. It was a long wait but we were lucky and had front row seats to see the Legendary Santa come down the chimney. Reagan sat perfectly still and was in total awe of Santa. I wish I could just freeze time because she is so sweet and innocent (most of the time:) The look in her eyes when she saw Santa made me cry!

Waiting in line for Santa
Watching Santa on the TV outside
Almost there
We finally made it!! She didn't cry at all. She marched right up there and spoke into the microphone. Telling Santa that she wanted a Barbie car and a piggy bank! No idea, where she came from because I would have been screaming at her age. But, we just LOVE that about her.
Sitting on Santa's lap
Telling Santa what she wants for Chrismas
We were able to catch the end of the Christmas Parade, too!! It was really cold but we had great seats in the Science Museum parking lot!
Very serious about watching the parade
Such a big girl!!
Not smiling but still cute!!

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Reagan loves trains and LOVES Thomas the Train. We decided to take her to the Science Museum on Friday to see all of the trains! She loved it and didn't want to leave.

Excited about all of the trains
Checking out the trains
Sitting on the street car

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is what she does when I ask her to smile for the camera! 
Thanksgiving 2012

Big Girl

Reagan is making the transition into a big girl bed. This week we converted her crib into a toddler bed. Honestly, it made me want to cry. Even though, I know her crib will be used in a few short months for her baby sister, it is still sad that Reagan is growing up so fast! She has done great in the toddler bed. She hasn't attempted to get out yet and still calls for me in the morning when she wakes up. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will continue!

Big girl

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My little helper

I was SO happy that today was a our first day of Thanksgiving Break!! It was cold and rainy outside today so Reagan and I stayed in all day and cleaned and cooked for Thanksgiving!! She is a great helper!

Silly girl

Christmas Time Already

Last weekend, we went to Stony Point to see the HUGE Christmas tree! It even plays music and has a light display. Reagan loved it! It wasn't cold at all and we were able to eat our dinner outside by the tree!
A little blurry but still cute:)
Sweet girl

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Laura

Tonight we celebrated Laura's birthday with a pizza party and some yummy dessert. Reagan loves birthdays, so she was super excited!

Helping Laura blow out her candles
Sweet Reagan