Sunday, October 21, 2012

Apples and Pumpkins!

We went back to Carter's Mountain this weekend. I guess we LOVE that place since this was our second trip this fall. This time, we went with the whole Pruden family. Reagan's Aunt Jessica was in town from California! We drove up with Aunt La-La (Laura) and "Uncle" Vic. (They just got engaged...YAY:)) Mimi and Grandpa joined us too! Reagan LOVES apples and we got a good workout pushing her stroller full of apples up and down the mountain.

She would not let go of that apple.

Reagan and Daddy. She still has the apple:) 
So serious
Running around
Reagan and Mommy!
Reagan picked out a little pumpkin to take home. She decided to take a bite out of it so, we had to take it away:( I let her hold it this morning before church. She loves that "pun-kin".

Not sure what that face is about...but she is holding on tight to that pumpkin!

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