Sunday, October 21, 2012


I can't believe that Reagan is actually 16 months! What in the world? She is such a big girl now. She walks and runs all the time. Her favorite thing to do is to dance. We like to have a dance party every night after dinner. It is really something to see. If you have known me for a while, you know that my dancing skills are really something else:) Reagan's favorite cd is Paul Simon, Graceland. This gives me major flashbacks to college. My friend Blakley and I would dance for hours and hours in our dorm room. We would get a real workout doing this and now Reagan and I are doing it! Reagan actually has better moves than me. Surprising, I know! She is a little chatter box, too! Not sure where she got this from since I didn't really talk much at all when I was little. It's so fun to see her grow and change each day. Although, sometimes I just want it to slow down!! It crazy that we waited so long for her to come into our lives and now the time is just flying by. Sweet Reagie Grace, we love you to pieces!

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