Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Despite being a sick little girl:( Reagan dressed up as ELMO for Halloween. I think the best part of this outfit would be the brand new red dress shoes that she has on. I had these shoes when I was a little girl and I just love them!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

2 days off!

Due to Hurricane Sandy (which wasn't bad at all here) we had two days off of school! It has been SO NICE staying at home with Reagan. I could do a 3 day work week every week. Unfortunately, Reagan has been sick. But, the good thing is I was at home to take care of her. Having pink eye and a double ear infection didn't slow her down too much. She is still climbing on EVERYTHING. She can climb up into the glider in her room and "read" books all by herself.

Picking out a book
Climbing up!
Doesn't look so safe.
Time to read:)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Reagan Grace

I just had to share a few adorable pics of Reagan Grace. She is growing up so fast and is just too cute!

No, I don't let her drink soda. She LOVES to play with plastic bottles. 

This makes me laugh!   

Big girl:) 

Today, we went the the church across the street for a Fall Festival. Reagan LOVED looking at the animals, especially the bunnies!

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I can't believe that Reagan is actually 16 months! What in the world? She is such a big girl now. She walks and runs all the time. Her favorite thing to do is to dance. We like to have a dance party every night after dinner. It is really something to see. If you have known me for a while, you know that my dancing skills are really something else:) Reagan's favorite cd is Paul Simon, Graceland. This gives me major flashbacks to college. My friend Blakley and I would dance for hours and hours in our dorm room. We would get a real workout doing this and now Reagan and I are doing it! Reagan actually has better moves than me. Surprising, I know! She is a little chatter box, too! Not sure where she got this from since I didn't really talk much at all when I was little. It's so fun to see her grow and change each day. Although, sometimes I just want it to slow down!! It crazy that we waited so long for her to come into our lives and now the time is just flying by. Sweet Reagie Grace, we love you to pieces!

Apples and Pumpkins!

We went back to Carter's Mountain this weekend. I guess we LOVE that place since this was our second trip this fall. This time, we went with the whole Pruden family. Reagan's Aunt Jessica was in town from California! We drove up with Aunt La-La (Laura) and "Uncle" Vic. (They just got engaged...YAY:)) Mimi and Grandpa joined us too! Reagan LOVES apples and we got a good workout pushing her stroller full of apples up and down the mountain.

She would not let go of that apple.

Reagan and Daddy. She still has the apple:) 
So serious
Running around
Reagan and Mommy!
Reagan picked out a little pumpkin to take home. She decided to take a bite out of it so, we had to take it away:( I let her hold it this morning before church. She loves that "pun-kin".

Not sure what that face is about...but she is holding on tight to that pumpkin!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunshine and Molly

We decided to take Molly to the field that we used to take her to all the time! (before Reagan, of course:) Molly loved playing with the other dogs and running around. Reagan just carried Molly's water bottle for her the whole time.

Sweet baby girl! Look at all that hair!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Party Time!

This weekend we celebrated Reagan's cousin's birthday. Sadie turned 3 years old! We had a family dinner on Friday and then headed to her party on Sunday! Reagan had a lot of fun playing with all the balloons and of course...dancing! That's what she does best!

So fun!!
Running around with Maegen
OH and there was pizza

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Such a mess!

Reagan spent the morning with her daddy while I went out to run some errands. When I returned she was quietly digging in the backyard with her shovel. A few minutes later, Jason brought her in and this is what I saw...

She decided to use the shovel to shovel dirt into her mouth. As you can see, she was actually pretty happy about it. 

All cleaned up and eating a cookie. I think that tastes better than dirt. 

So yummy!