Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Happy Birthday Reagan! I cannot believe that Reagan is one year old. I know everyone probably says that when their baby turns one but it is pretty amazing. Not everyone knows our story but I told myself that one day I would share it. For 3 years, Jason and I struggled to get pregnant. I went through every single test that you could imagine, blood work, ultrasounds, appointments with our fertility specialist, countless fertility drugs and procedures and nothing worked. I just couldn't deal with the fact that we might not ever be parents. I just couldn't understand how some people just got pregnant. If you have never been faced with infertility, you don't understand what it can do to your life and your relationships. I promised myself that if I ever got pregnant, I would tell people about our struggles but it has taken me a long time. Not because I was embarrassed or ashamed but because it was SO personal.  When we were going through everything it gave me great comfort to know that other people have dealt with this too. I had a few people that had experienced similar situations and it was so great to have them to talk to. That's why I wanted to tell people about our story, just in case someone was going through a similar experience. I wanted to  help them. I could go on and on about what all went into bringing sweet baby Reagan into this world but I'm not. We are just so glad to we finally have this beautiful baby girl in our lives. All that matters is that one year ago, bright and early on the first day of summer we met our daughter. We had waited so long for her and she was finally here. We are so very blessed to have Reagan in our lives. Happy Birthday Reagan Grace! We love you!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry that you guys had to go through all that. I had no idea that you were dealing with that! I know you must feel so blessed to have your wonderful Reagan in your lives now! You'll appreciate every second of being a mommy even more!
