Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1 week to go!

While I am counting down the days until school is out, Reagan is so busy trying to walk. She CAN walk. She just chooses to crawl all the time. She has taken a ton of steps on her own. She will walk to people and she will walk holding your hand but she hasn't "taken off" yet. I guess I am not super eager about that happening because she is already so busy. I can't even imagine what it will be like once she is walking. I guess I will drop those last few baby pounds this summer. That's one way to look at it, right? 
This weekend, I made my Grandma Zohab's blueberry muffins, which I love. I could eat them for every meal. I decided to let Reagan try some too and of course she loved them too!! I know my Granny was smiling down on us while we ate up our delicious blueberry muffins. 
So Yummy!

On Saturday, we took our first trip to the pool. Reagan loved it. She walked all around the baby pool and even went in the big pool with me. She kept putting her face in the water.  She wasn't scared a bit.

After the pool, we came home and had a little snack. Molly is starting to like Reagan more and more because she drops food all the time for her. Reagan would eat one and then hand one to Molly. I hope they are becoming "friends".

Reagan's cousins just moved to Richmond. We went to have dinner with them on Sunday night. This was the best picture I could get of Reagan and Maegen. They are two months apart. So cute!!

I saved the cutest picture for last. When I look at this picture, I just can't believe that Reagan is almost one year old. Where did the time go?? She is the happiest and sweetest baby in the world. I just adore her!!

And yes, that is a bow. It is holding about 5 hairs in place.

1 comment:

  1. LOL on the bow comment!! SOOO cute!! I can tell you love being a mommy! What a fun little girl!
