Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Party Time!

I was bad and took very few pictures of Reagan at her birthday party! I did capture a few pretty cute ones:))
Playing at the water table. This dress was soaked! But she had fun:)
Splashing with some friends!

CUPCAKES!! We have a few onlookers! So cute!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Big Day!

Reagan had a great first birthday! She is such a big girl now. She is walking everywhere! She started taking a few steps about a month ago but on Sunday she just took off. She walked all over the house. She is talking so much too. She talks and talks and gets louder and louder.  She ate cake for the very first time on her birthday and LOVED it. I think her favorite part of the day was getting her brand new cozy coupe. She loves it!!


t-shirt from her auntie Bruce (Margaret)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Happy Birthday Reagan! I cannot believe that Reagan is one year old. I know everyone probably says that when their baby turns one but it is pretty amazing. Not everyone knows our story but I told myself that one day I would share it. For 3 years, Jason and I struggled to get pregnant. I went through every single test that you could imagine, blood work, ultrasounds, appointments with our fertility specialist, countless fertility drugs and procedures and nothing worked. I just couldn't deal with the fact that we might not ever be parents. I just couldn't understand how some people just got pregnant. If you have never been faced with infertility, you don't understand what it can do to your life and your relationships. I promised myself that if I ever got pregnant, I would tell people about our struggles but it has taken me a long time. Not because I was embarrassed or ashamed but because it was SO personal.  When we were going through everything it gave me great comfort to know that other people have dealt with this too. I had a few people that had experienced similar situations and it was so great to have them to talk to. That's why I wanted to tell people about our story, just in case someone was going through a similar experience. I wanted to  help them. I could go on and on about what all went into bringing sweet baby Reagan into this world but I'm not. We are just so glad to we finally have this beautiful baby girl in our lives. All that matters is that one year ago, bright and early on the first day of summer we met our daughter. We had waited so long for her and she was finally here. We are so very blessed to have Reagan in our lives. Happy Birthday Reagan Grace! We love you!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1 week to go!

While I am counting down the days until school is out, Reagan is so busy trying to walk. She CAN walk. She just chooses to crawl all the time. She has taken a ton of steps on her own. She will walk to people and she will walk holding your hand but she hasn't "taken off" yet. I guess I am not super eager about that happening because she is already so busy. I can't even imagine what it will be like once she is walking. I guess I will drop those last few baby pounds this summer. That's one way to look at it, right? 
This weekend, I made my Grandma Zohab's blueberry muffins, which I love. I could eat them for every meal. I decided to let Reagan try some too and of course she loved them too!! I know my Granny was smiling down on us while we ate up our delicious blueberry muffins. 
So Yummy!

On Saturday, we took our first trip to the pool. Reagan loved it. She walked all around the baby pool and even went in the big pool with me. She kept putting her face in the water.  She wasn't scared a bit.

After the pool, we came home and had a little snack. Molly is starting to like Reagan more and more because she drops food all the time for her. Reagan would eat one and then hand one to Molly. I hope they are becoming "friends".

Reagan's cousins just moved to Richmond. We went to have dinner with them on Sunday night. This was the best picture I could get of Reagan and Maegen. They are two months apart. So cute!!

I saved the cutest picture for last. When I look at this picture, I just can't believe that Reagan is almost one year old. Where did the time go?? She is the happiest and sweetest baby in the world. I just adore her!!

And yes, that is a bow. It is holding about 5 hairs in place.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Too Cute!

My friend Lisa, who used to work with me at Ridge came to visit from out of town this past week. We got to visit with her and her sweet little boy Brody for a bit! Brody used to go to Kate ( our awesome babysitter) last year but when they moved away...we were so lucky to get Kate to watch Reagan! She is amazing and I don't know what we would do without her:))) Anyway, here is a super cute picture of Reagan and Brody. Brody actually gave Reagan and kiss. Too cute! I can't believe they are just 11 months apart!
As you can see, Reagan is super excited about Brody coming to visit!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Just Reading

One of Reagan's favorite things to do is sit and look at books. This is the only thing that she will sit still to do. The best part is when she pulls all of the books off of her book shelf! So much fun!
Leave me alone

Monday, June 4, 2012

What a rascal!

My two little girls:)) Molly has finally decided that she can tolerate Reagan. Reagan also started to say "dog" this weekend.

Reagan's new dollhouse!

All dressed up and ready for Sunday dinner! 

Such a little rascal!
