Monday, April 30, 2012

Busy Weekend

These are actually pictures over the past two weekends! Tonight, I teared up when I was rocking Reagan to sleep. I really can't believe that she is 10 months old. I want to freeze time! She's so cute and is interested in everything. It's absolutely amazing. I remember people saying that before I had Reagan and I never really understood what they were talking about. I now know that  having a baby and watching her grow is the most amazing thing that I have ever experienced. 

Reagan and Daddy looking at the baby ducks at U of R lake.

Reagan went to Maymont for the first time and she loved it. She just stared at the animals and then laughed. For some reason she really liked the sheep. She let out a really big laugh when she saw them. 

 She loved looking at everything!
 She wasn't scared at all!

We were given a pink mini cooper by a friend of ours that no longer used it. Reagan is still too little to drive around in it but she LOVES sitting in it and honking the horn. It really cracks me up! 

 This is what Reagan does everything she finds something that she isn't supposed to have. She hands me whatever it is. However, that's only if she sees you looking at her. Otherwise, it will go right into her mouth...see picture below! 
Yep! There it goes! It was a leaf and don't worry I pulled it out. Normally, it is a piece of pollen.
 Look at that face! Oh my goodness!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

10 Months Old

Reagan Grace is now 10 months old! I really can't believe. I want to freeze time. How can she possibly be 10 months old? Here is what she is up to now: She crawls all over the place and wants to climb on everything. Her favorite thing to do is to climb all over Jason and I. It seems like she would do this forever. She has started to stand all by herself without holding on to anything. However, once she realizes that she's doing this, she quickly grabs on to something. She waves to everyone and says "bye-bye", even when we are not leaving. She always claps for herself after she does something. She talks all the time but we have no idea what she is saying. She loves her little bunny that she got for Easter and will even give it a kiss.  She has 3 teeth, which seems strange to me. She looks a little silly with two bottom teeth and one top tooth:) I like to call her "snaggle tooth". She is such a busy little lady. She is constantly on the move! I was talking to a friend yesterday about how we couldn't even remember what life was like before our babies and that was only 10 months ago:) We prayed and waited for so long for little Reagan to come into our lives and now she is here and it's pretty amazing. We are truly blessed that's for sure.

This is what Reagan was doing as Jason was trying to read her a story. That's what my students at school do too while I am reading too. Hehe:)

She finally settled down for a few seconds and listened to the story. I just love this picture!

Reagan really loves Molly but I wouldn't really say that Molly feels the same. She tolerates her to some degree.

I really tried yesterday to get a good picture of Reagan sitting down to show that she was 10 months old. That was actually impossible. This is the best that I could do and yes she is waving to me:))

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I wish I had a picture to prove it!

I really wish that I was quick enough to take a picture of this but I'm not:( Reagan can stand on her own now. She's done it a few times over the past month or so but now she is starting to do it more and more. I can't believe it!! Wow! She is such a big girl now:)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

We love the beach

We spent a little time at the beach over spring break. The weather was not super warm until Saturday but we still had a lot of fun! I just love being able to spend all day with Reagan:) I really don't want to go back to work tomorrow. So sad:(
Reagan spent all day crawling around the house.

 Catching a few rays of sun with Daddy. 

      She really needed these on outside. It was a little too sunny for Reagan!

            Of course Molly came along! She loves the beach too!

Love those chunky legs!!

 So long beach! We will see you again soon! Now my countdown
 to summer vacation begins! 43 days and counting...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Reagan's First Easter

Checking out her Easter basket!        

The cutest little bunny in town! She actually left these bunny ears on for a long time. She really liked them! 

Lunch at Mamaw and Pop Pop's! This adorable little dress was a tad too tight but still so cute!

                                                                   Reagan and Mamaw

                                                                 Reagan and Daddy

                                                                  Reagan and Mommy