Friday, September 11, 2015

Last days of summer

Well, I knew it was coming but I was not prepared. Back to school. It makes me so sad every year. I love being at home with girls and having time to do all the fun things that we never seem to get to during the school year. Reagan was ready to go back to Miss Kate's and Mamaw's and asked me every day when she could go back. I on the other hand was not excited for my return to work. I guess I like the routine of things but the craziness of the week always leaves me exhausted. Plus teaching a classroom full of 21 five year olds can leave you feeling a little tired:) I know it will get better as the school year goes on but right now it's a little bit tough. We went to the zoo before I had to go back to work and the girls had a blast. Reagan loves animals so she had the most fun.

Can't contain her in the stroller for much longer!

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