Monday, June 15, 2015

One crazy month!

I am so glad that school is finally over and we can slow down. It seems like May was just crazy busy at school and at home. Reagan finished her first year of preschool on the 21st of May and it was very sad to me. I really need these girls to slow down. They are growing up way to fast for me. Reagan will be four on Saturday. How in the world did that tiny little baby girl get to be 4 years old?!? Reesie girl is 15 months and is quite a handful. She is such a little mess. Here are a few pictures of the past month. I am going to try to be better about posting more over the summer. We will see how that goes! Happy Summer!!

Donuts at the playground was necessary after church for Mother's Day! A student of mine gave me a Sugar Shack gift card and I finally got around the using it. SO delicious.
Look at this little rascal. She is really something else. She is full of energy and is very determined. She has no fear.

Sweet Reagie Grace.

The Barbie Car has been going full speed down Monumental Ave. every night after dinner. I am sure the neighbors just love that.

Reese just hangs out in the wagon a lot.

Pool opened and look who got a new suit!

Waiting for Daddy to come home.

Last day of St. Matthew's Preschool!
She put these necklaces on all by herself!

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