Monday, October 27, 2014

And then there's Reagan....

She is such a mess! She insisted that I make a sign for her that said "E.R. Whiskers". She would just play make believe all day long. Forget about toys! She makes up the funniest games ever. She has quite the imagination. This picture makes me laugh every time I look at it! Reagie Grace, she is something else!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Trick or Treat Street

We went to Trick or Treat Street at UofR this year and the girls had so much fun! Reagan played all of the games and got some candy.  Reagan wanted to be a cat, which is what she was for Halloween last year so that made it easy and we squeezed Reese into Reagan's cow costume. I think they are the cutest things that I have ever seen!!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Carter's Mountain

We made our annual trip to Carter's Mountain to pick apples. Reagan loved it! Reese seemed content watching everyone and we all LOVED the donuts!

Reese at Carter's Mountain (8 months)
Reagan at Carter's Mountain (4 months)


8 months old

Reese is 8 months old! She is such a big girl now! She crawls all over the place but it is the army crawl. But, she is FAST. If we walk into another room, Reese comes flying behind us. She has said "Mama" a few times but it sounds more like Mum-ma. She is the sweetest baby and loves to cuddle with us. She thinks Reagan is the funniest thing ever and she will do anything to try to make Reagan laugh. I love to hear the two of them laughing and Reese has the best belly laugh!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Pumpkin Time

Unfortunately, I had a enough of the pumpkin patch on our field trip at school so, we just took the girls to Tom Leonard's to pick out pumpkins! This is one of Reagan's favorite places so,  it worked out perfectly.
Happy Halloween!
She found one!

Reese is just relaxing!


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Reagan and Reese

I have been meaning to post these pictures sooner but it took me forever to download them. I tear up every time I look at these pictures. I can't believe that I have these two beautiful girls. It is truly amazing. It's crazy sometimes and I often wonder "I am doing this right?" Some days are easy and some days are so very hard but I guess that's what being a mom is about. I waited so long to hear someone call me Mommy and I surely have that going on now! So, I really try to remain patient and love every moment of it because it is going so fast. I love these two precious girls to pieces and I can't imagine my life without them.

Reese was not baptized in this but I had her picture taken in it. This was my grandmother's dress. She was baptized in it in 1916. So, it's pretty old. My brother, sister, and I all wore it and my nieces and of course Reagan. I wasn't planning on having Reagan in the pictures but she wouldn't let me go alone for the pictures so, along she came. The photographer ( Sarah Kane, who is amazing!!) took a few pictures of them together and this is my favorite!! So sweet.
beautiful baby girl
She is a mess!!
She looks just like a doll!


Sunday, October 5, 2014

Reesie Girl

I just love her to death! She is the cutest and sweetest baby!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Beach Trip

We thought we would try to get one last "warm" beach trip in of the season. So, we headed down Friday after work. Reagan did much better in the car this time around and Reese slept most of the way. Reagan loves the beach and she was super excited this time because Laura and Uncle Vic came  along too! It was really nice on Saturday, so we were able to spend some time on the beach. Sunday wasn't as nice but we still went out and played in the sand for a bit.

Someone loves the beach!

Just playing on the beach
Little beach baby

She asked for Uncle Vic to do this:)

Reese on the beach!