Friday, August 15, 2014

Outer Banks

We had a great time at the beach! Reagan loved it and would have stayed in the ocean all day long, if we let her. She has no fear, which is a little concerning. She didn't really care too much about playing in the sand. All she wanted to do was "float in the waves". Reese was feeling a little out of sorts because she getting a tooth but she was great! She is such a sweet little baby and she just smiles and smiles. The drive down was not the best since it took 5 hours because of traffic. Reagan is not a good traveler because she is so active! She can't sit still for that long! Once, we got there it was great!! 
Reagan Grace, sweet girl 

Reese and Daddy

beach girl 

sleepy girl 

playing in the sand
Swimming with daddy
Sleeping on the beach 

Let's see that tooth

The girls
These girls love their Mamaw!

Reese and Reagie at the beach

The first few days were rainy but we just played in the blow under the house!

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