Monday, August 25, 2014

6 months old

Time is flying by! Reese is 6 months old! She is changing every day! She has two teeth now and smiles all the time. She hardly ever cries and if she does, she is tired or hungry. She loves Reagan and smiles and laughs every time Reagan comes into the room. She is starting to look more and more like Reagan but does not act like her at all. Reese is perfectly content to just play on her mat without attempting to crawl at all. She loves to be held and will just stay still whenever someone holds her. She is such a sweet baby! We all love her so much!

I love this picture because Reagan is so busy talking and telling everyone what to do and Reese is just smiling in the background. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Chesterfield County Fair

Despite the rain, we headed out to the Chesterfield County Fair. It is the best fair! It's small and never too crowded. We have taken Reagan before but this year, she loved it! She rode all the rides, looked at the animals, and had cotton candy for the very first time! Reese loved watching everything and then she fell asleep.
sleepy girl
Riding with daddy

I have no idea what she is doing. She is such a mess.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Soaking in some pool time

I am  really trying to enjoy the last few weeks of the pool! I can't believe that it is going to close soon. The summer has just flown by. It's crazy because at the beginning of the summer, Reese was too little to go in the pool. She was only 3 months old. Now, she is almost 6 months and she LOVES the pool! She kicks her little feet and laughs and laughs.

Look at that cute suit! 

Happy Birthday Molly

No, we have not forgotten about sweet Molly. Although, some days she is the last on my list. She is still our first baby. She turned 9 years old on Sunday. I can't believe it. We got Molly not too long after we were married. She was only 8 weeks old and so tiny. She cried all night long in her crate and we thought "this is terrible" that makes me laugh now that we have two little girls. We had no idea! Ha!

Reese's Baptism

Reese was baptized on Sunday. It was so nice to have all of our family there to help us celebrate this special day. Reagan kept asking me "when are they going to water the babies"? She did great too, standing up in front of everyone. She was super quiet and stood very still the whole time. Afterwards, we have everyone over to our house for brunch. It was such a special day!
love them!
Sweet girls 


pretty girl! 

Outer Banks Part 2

cute little butt
Daddy and his girls 
just relaxing on the couch
my girlies
pretty girls 
Pretty girl 
Ready for the beach!
strolling with daddy 
Enjoying some before dinner walks
Looking for frogs
We had such a great time at the beach this summer. Once we got settled in, it was awesome! I can't wait to go back soon!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Outer Banks

We had a great time at the beach! Reagan loved it and would have stayed in the ocean all day long, if we let her. She has no fear, which is a little concerning. She didn't really care too much about playing in the sand. All she wanted to do was "float in the waves". Reese was feeling a little out of sorts because she getting a tooth but she was great! She is such a sweet little baby and she just smiles and smiles. The drive down was not the best since it took 5 hours because of traffic. Reagan is not a good traveler because she is so active! She can't sit still for that long! Once, we got there it was great!! 
Reagan Grace, sweet girl 

Reese and Daddy

beach girl 

sleepy girl 

playing in the sand
Swimming with daddy
Sleeping on the beach 

Let's see that tooth

The girls
These girls love their Mamaw!

Reese and Reagie at the beach

The first few days were rainy but we just played in the blow under the house!