Thursday, June 19, 2014


Tomorrow is Reagan's third birthday. I can't believe she will be three. We waited so long to be parents and three years ago, we were about to meet our little girl. Reagan Grace is such an amazing little lady. I don't think I brag about her enough because that's just not my style. BUT...she is the most outgoing, funny, and sweet little girl. She talks constantly and uses words that I didn't know she even knew! She loves to sing and dance and do anything to make you laugh. Her imagination is huge and sometimes I wonder, "does she even need all these toys?" She is so beautiful  and her smile just melts my heart. Jason and I thank God everyday for bringing her into our lives. Being her mommy is amazing but don't get me wrong it can be very difficult at times. She is extremely stubborn and determined in every way! She will not give up which is something I truly admire about her because I was (and still kinda am) the exact opposite. I don't debate but she will debate anything! She is a mess but a sweet, beautiful mess. We love you so much Reagan Grace!! Happy 3rd Birthday!!
Such a mess!

beautiful girl 

She got in trouble for sticking her tongue out at me but this she is says "is not mean, it's a silly face, Mama"

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