Sunday, June 22, 2014

4 months and 3 years old

These two little ladies are growing up so fast! My sweet little girlies! We love you so much!!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Birthday celebrations

I love birthdays!!! I like to extend the celebration out for several days and that's just what we did for Reagan's birthday! She had a blast. We went to Jason's office and then went to lunch. We had a yummy dinner at the "piggy place" which is the bbq place. (Reagan's choice:) We had ice cream and then of course a party!! She had a busy weekend but it was so fun. I can't believe that she is such a big girl now!! 3 years old!


presents !!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Reagan 3 years

Reagan Grace
2 days old

1 year old

Add caption
2 years old
Almost 3


Tomorrow is Reagan's third birthday. I can't believe she will be three. We waited so long to be parents and three years ago, we were about to meet our little girl. Reagan Grace is such an amazing little lady. I don't think I brag about her enough because that's just not my style. BUT...she is the most outgoing, funny, and sweet little girl. She talks constantly and uses words that I didn't know she even knew! She loves to sing and dance and do anything to make you laugh. Her imagination is huge and sometimes I wonder, "does she even need all these toys?" She is so beautiful  and her smile just melts my heart. Jason and I thank God everyday for bringing her into our lives. Being her mommy is amazing but don't get me wrong it can be very difficult at times. She is extremely stubborn and determined in every way! She will not give up which is something I truly admire about her because I was (and still kinda am) the exact opposite. I don't debate but she will debate anything! She is a mess but a sweet, beautiful mess. We love you so much Reagan Grace!! Happy 3rd Birthday!!
Such a mess!

beautiful girl 

She got in trouble for sticking her tongue out at me but this she is says "is not mean, it's a silly face, Mama"

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Pruden girls

These were all done by Sarah Kane Photography. She did such an awesome job. I love these pictures!!

Sweet Baby Reese


Since I didn't have to go back to work until June 9th, we were able to spend some time at the beach. It was Reese's first trip. She slept the whole way and Reagan talked the whole way. Three hours in the car was quite enough for me! Reagan LOVED everything about the beach. She has always liked it but this year she was really into it. Reese took a few trips out on the beach too. It was great and we can't  

look at those cheeks!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Yep...Molly is still around

Molly is hanging in there! She really wasn't too bothered by the arrival of Reese. Reagan just loves Molly or Monney as she calls her. I just thought I should post a picture of her because we love Molly too!

Happy Easter

don't you love how Reese is just over in the corner
sweet girl 
This is so great! I love it! 
Easter basket!
Egg Hunt
Looking for eggs on Easter morning

Reese Virginia

I can't believe that Reese is approaching 4 months. She is the sweetest baby in the world. She smiles all the time and is usually very content. We just adore her and Reagan thinks she is so cute. I know that won't always be the case so I am really enjoying it right now. I am so happy that they have each other because really sisters are the best!! Here is a few pictures from Reese's first 3 months. 

One month old! Love that hair

two months old

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Trying to catch up

I know I have not been so great about updating my blog. Things have been pretty busy around here since little Reese has joined us! But here is what's been going on with us..

I was on maternity leave for 3 months and it was wonderful to get to spend so much time with my two sweet girls, although Reagan was not always sweet (i guess she was adjusting to her new sister) I still loved it! I can't believe that I am the mommy to two little girls. I would have never imagined it!! It is truly a blessing! 

getting crafty 

playing with Reese