Sunday, September 15, 2013

An attempt to get a picture

First try
2nd attempt
Thought I had it but at the last second she did this.
Good enough:)


Since it was so nice this weekend, we decided to head up to Charlottesville to pick some apples. We have been going for several years and Reagan really loved it this year! It was pretty chilly but it warmed up by the time we were done. We picked 20 pounds of apples!!! I guess we will be eating apples for a while:)
Very excited
Picking apples
Reagan and Daddy
Sweet Reagie
Apple doughnuts!
She is quite the entertainer:)
Flashback- This was Reagan on our first trip to pick apples:)
Teeny Tiny

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bye Bye Pool

This past weekend was the last weekend that the pool was open. Reagan loves the pool and has become quite the dare devil. This past weekend, she stood on the edge of the pool backwards and said "I do backwards" trying to jump into the pool! She is a mess! 

My Sweet Little Girl

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Happy Labor Day! Tomorrow is the first day of school which I am trying to avoid thinking about.  We stayed really busy this weekend! Reagan got to spend a lot of time with her friend Charlie! She loves him! Here are a few pictures from our weekend!

Monkey mask
Reagan likes to do this and say "don't be scared, I'm me"
On Friday, we had dinner with the Olson's. Blakley and I needed to take a recent picture. In college, we probably took a million pictures together!
On Saturday, we ventured out to Kings Dominion. I was unsure of how Reagan would like it but...SHE LOVED IT! She wanted to ride everything! We spent the whole day in Planet Snoopy! She had a great time!!! On our way up there, we made a stop in Ashland because Reagan loves trains! We checked out the caboose:)

Love her faee:)
Sweet Reagan Grace
Planet Snoopy
Watching the Snoopy Show!
Reagan and Yeatts checking out Snoopy.

Reagan is covering her eyes in this one!