Saturday, August 24, 2013

Last week of summer vacation

This was my last week of summer vacation. I can't complain because I have had the whole summer off, which has been great! With very few naps for Reagan, we had a busy week playing! I thought I would have some more time to organize and get ready for work but with a 2 year old who is up from 6:30-7:30, well that's kinda hard. But we had fun!!

We did some baking!
Reagan LOVES Molly. Molly will tolerate Reagan and sometimes they will chase each other but that doesn't last for long! Poor Molly, I bet she will be glad when we all go back to work and to Mamaw's/Kate's.

Molly was just trying to sleep and Reagan wanted her to have a puppy to sleep with.
Then she needed to give her some blankets. Molly looks thrilled.
Getting ready to jump in!!
Swimming with Daddy
After I took this picture, Reagan said "I just relaxing and eating some lunch". What could be better than that?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Since Reagan has not taken a nap in four days...I'm just going to go ahead and say... I guess naps are done around here. She was never a great napper. An hour or two at the most but's nothing. She needs to nap because by 6 o'clock she is a mess. So needless to say, we have tried to pack a lot of stuff into our days since well... we have so much time!
Lewis Ginter

Saturday, August 10, 2013

A busy Saturday

We had a busy Saturday. We went to a baby shower for my friend Andi! Reagan was very excited about the cupcakes and her friend Magdalena, also known as "LENA". I loved watching the two of them together! Natalie (Magdalena's mom) and I have been friends for almost 30 years! WHAT?? Yes, we have been friends since kindergarten! I love it and I love that Reagan and Magdalena are so close in age.

Reagan is actually smiling and looking at the camera. But, of course Molly is sneaking in:)
Reagan and "Lena"
After a "quick" nap. We headed out to get some frozen yogurt and play at the train playground.
Reagan had Orange Sorbet, can you tell?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Little Reagie

I tried to take a few pictures of Reagan, which is nearly impossible these days. She was all dressed up and ready for church. These were the best that I could get!

Snacks in hand
A little blurry
Sweet girl