Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Busy Birthday

We had a busy day on Thursday! Reagan was "so excited" about her birthday and she hasn't even had her party yet! On Thursday, Reagan woke up to a brand new playhouse and did not want to come back inside to eat breakfast. We played outside all morning and then went to eat lunch with Mamaw and PopPop. After a visit from our favorite friends (Kate, Reid, and Riley) we went to Prontos for a PIZZA PARTY. Reagan loves pizza and loves going to Prontos. She always thinks its a party because the hair cut place next door always has balloons outside of the door. So, balloons= party in her mind. We came home and had some yummy cupcakes from Pearls and then called it a night! Her party is tomorrow and she can't wait. I didn't think she would even care about it but she keeps telling me that she is "so excited for her party and cupcakes".

"Wow a barn"
She loves it!
More presents!
Trying to get a picture with the HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign.
Such a big girl!
She was singing "Happy Birthday to Me".
Happy Birthday Reagan Grace! We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Reagan!! We love you too - Love Auntie Bruce and Uncle Matt
