Friday, June 28, 2013


I am so bad about taking pictures at birthday parties. I never remember to take any until the very last second. I think I actually did better this year. I got a few more pictures!
Can anymore kids cram into this turtle sandbox?
Best Friends FOREVER...Charlie and" Reag"
Happy Birthday Reagie!
Cupcake time!
She was So excited!
Oh course she wanted to sit with Laura and "Dictor"aka Vic.
Happy 2nd Birthday Reagan Grace!! We love you so much!!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A Busy Birthday

We had a busy day on Thursday! Reagan was "so excited" about her birthday and she hasn't even had her party yet! On Thursday, Reagan woke up to a brand new playhouse and did not want to come back inside to eat breakfast. We played outside all morning and then went to eat lunch with Mamaw and PopPop. After a visit from our favorite friends (Kate, Reid, and Riley) we went to Prontos for a PIZZA PARTY. Reagan loves pizza and loves going to Prontos. She always thinks its a party because the hair cut place next door always has balloons outside of the door. So, balloons= party in her mind. We came home and had some yummy cupcakes from Pearls and then called it a night! Her party is tomorrow and she can't wait. I didn't think she would even care about it but she keeps telling me that she is "so excited for her party and cupcakes".

"Wow a barn"
She loves it!
More presents!
Trying to get a picture with the HAPPY BIRTHDAY sign.
Such a big girl!
She was singing "Happy Birthday to Me".
Happy Birthday Reagan Grace! We love you!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Reagan

Happy Birthday Reagan! I can't believe that Reagan is two years old today. She is such a big girl. She wants to do EVERYTHING all by herself. She just amazes me every day. We waited so long for this little girl to come into our lives and she just brings us so much happiness. Even when she is being a little rascal and not wanting to share. We love you so much Reagan Grace! Happy 2nd birthday!

June 20, 2011
June 20, 2011
June 20, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

First Week of Summer Vacation!!

I don't miss school one bit! I am SO happy to be home with Reagan! Even though, she is truly in the "TERRIBLE TWOS", I am so glad to be able to spend all day with her! I keep reminding myself that she will soon grow out of this phase and on to something else, I am sure:) We have been so busy this week getting ready for her birthday! But without work looming over my head, I feel less stressed and just so happy that it is summer!

Father's Day at Mamaw and PopPop's:)
Going for a ride with Sadie!
Cutest girl in the world!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Summer is here!

One of the joys of being a teacher is the last day of school. It honestly makes me feel like I am ten years old again. I loved pulling out of that parking lot, knowing that I would not have to return until August. I am so excited to spend the whole summer with Reagan. She will be 2 years old on Thursday! I can't believe it! Happy Summer!!!!

Happy Summer!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Reagan Grace

I just love these sweet pictures of Reagan. She is so grown up and such an entertainer. The things that come out of her mouth are just too funny! She claimed that her cousin was "getting in her business" the other day. Not sure what that even means or where she came up with such a thing.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Waiting for summer

The warm weather is here and I just can't wait to have the WHOLE summer off.  Only 8 1/2 days to go! YAY!!