Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I am not one to read a lot of parenting/child development books. I read WAY too many when we were trying to get pregnant so I am pretty much done with self help books. So, I never really know when Reagan is supposed to do certain things. I really go by what the doctor gives us at our check-ups. So... I noticed this time at our 15 month appointment that it said they should start using a spoon. Reagan typically just shoves handfuls of food in her mouth with her hands so, I decided I should start giving her a spoon. I didn't think that she would do anything with it because normally she just plays with it. But, this time she used it the whole time to eat her bowl of peas! Such a big girl!! I can't believe that she is 15 months old.

Do you like the really small Christmas bib she is wearing? hehe

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