Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I am not one to read a lot of parenting/child development books. I read WAY too many when we were trying to get pregnant so I am pretty much done with self help books. So, I never really know when Reagan is supposed to do certain things. I really go by what the doctor gives us at our check-ups. So... I noticed this time at our 15 month appointment that it said they should start using a spoon. Reagan typically just shoves handfuls of food in her mouth with her hands so, I decided I should start giving her a spoon. I didn't think that she would do anything with it because normally she just plays with it. But, this time she used it the whole time to eat her bowl of peas! Such a big girl!! I can't believe that she is 15 months old.

Do you like the really small Christmas bib she is wearing? hehe

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I love weekends. Saturday is my favorite day! I get to wake up and relax with sweet Reagan. Here are some pictures from the last two weekends:)

Getting ready for our last trip to the pool for the summer.
Jumping to Daddy!
Mouth full of goldfish
Carter's Mountain
Look at that belly:)
Reagan and Mommy. She was too busy pointing at everything.
 Last year when we went to Carter's Mountain,  Little bitty Reagan!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Over it!

Reagan has always had a mind of her own, even before she was born. She wanted to arrive 8 weeks early but luckily she stayed put until one week before her due date. Now, she wants to climb on everything and pull out everything from every drawer, cabinet, bag, purse, etc. Below is what happens when you take something away from her. This lasts about 30 seconds. She quickly realizes that no one is looking at her so, she will get up off the floor with a giant grunt and pitter patter into the other room to find us. I can't get too frustrated with it because this is pretty much how I felt this week too! The first week back at school with 18 kindergarten students is pretty exhausting. But...YAY for the weekend!

Still so cute, even though she is throwing a fit!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Goodbye to Summer

Well, I am really trying to avoid thinking about going back to school tomorrow. It's pretty hard. After spending all summer long with Reagan, it makes me sad to leave. Despite all the showers this weekend, we managed to have a fun 3 day weekend! At least, we only have 4 days of school this week:)

Rainbow Cookie!
Swimming at the pool.
Yogurt Pop at the pool! So good!
Reading a book to Maegen:) SO sweet!
Out to lunch
Looking at the fish at Bass Pro Shop
Such a big girl. 

Goodnight! Happy 1st Day of School, I guess.