Saturday, May 28, 2016


I have to admit that I have been having just a terrible time with the thought that Reagan will be going to kindergarten in September. Being a kindergarten teacher actually makes it worse. I prefer the unknown. Every day I go to work now, I think of my little Reagan in a class all on her own next year. Why did she have to grow up so fast and why am I so sad? I am really hoping that once she starts school I will realize that it is all okay and she is perfectly happy. Fingers crossed! Bringing Reagan into this world was quite the feat. We struggled for years to conceive a child and finally (FINALLY!!) we were blessed with our sweet Reagan Grace. And now I have a soon to be kindergartener. It is all just so crazy to me. Reagan is ready for kindergarten, so very ready and I know she will be just fine. It's me that is going to be the problem. I have a few months to gather myself and put on a brave face to send my little baby off to kindergarten. Wish me luck!