Monday, March 14, 2016

2 years old

How in the world did Reese get to be two years old. I thought time flew by with Reagan but this is just unreal. She is such a crazy little rascal. Reagan and Reese could not be any more different but I absolutely love it. In the midst of the craziness of being a working mom and taking care of a two and four year old, I still think about how much we longed for these little girls. I still to this day feel the pain that I once felt when someone announces that they are pregnant. I guess that feeling will never go away. These feeling creep up out of nowhere and I feel that same since of doom that I felt when I was trying to get pregnant. I still ask myself "why does everyone get pregnant so easily"? Why did it have to be so difficult for us? But then I look at these two beautiful little girls and I would not have wanted it any other way. The years of injections, blood work, tests, exams, and tears, oh the tears, it was all worth it. We have two beautiful, healthy, and happy little girls. I still can't believe it actually happened! Reese Virginia, we love you to the moon and back. Happy 2nd Birthday!