Monday, November 30, 2015

The girls

This picture just captures these two perfectly. Reagan is such a sweet little girl. She is so imaginative and can play for hours with random household things. She made up a game last week with a dog leash and she convinced Reese to play along. It entertained them for a while. Reese is another story. She is a wild child! I love seeing her little personality come to life. I wish time would slow down. I am so grateful for these two little ladies. Sometimes I still can't believe how blessed we are to have them in our lives.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

What happened to November??

Time is flying by! I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner. We are getting excited over here. Here are a few pictures of what the girls have been up to recently.
Several attempts were made to take pictures for the Christmas card. You will not see any of these on the actual card.