Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Mother

 My journey to motherhood was not easy. It was a long road and it was so hard. But when I look at these two precious faces I know that every second of that journey was so worth it. I can't believe that we have been blessed with these two beautiful girls. I spent years thinking that I would never be able to celebrate Mother's Day with my own children. But now here we are. My two girls. Mother's day is tricky for me because I am so very happy that I have these two girls but I can't forget all of those Mother's Days that I spent feeling so sad and desperate. I know that they are so many other couples out there that are experiencing infertility and my heart goes out to them because I know just how difficult it can be. I know for me just knowing that someone else had experienced this and made it through made me feel so much better. No one truly understands until you live it but it made me who I am today. We waited and waited for these girls. I hope that they will always feel my love for them and know that they were all I ever wanted. I love you girls!