Sunday, January 25, 2015

11 months old

Reese is 11 months old. She has developed quite the personality and entertains us all the time. She is very vocal. We don't know what she is saying but she babbles and "talks" all the time. She can say a few words like, hi, mama, dada, and dog. She is very fast and crawls all over the place. Reagan was walking at 11 months but I am not too eager for Reese to start. She can stand all by herself and take a step or two but that's about it and honestly I am totally okay with that! She is so sweet too and loves to cuddle with you. I just can't believe that she will be a year old soon. It seems like she was just born. Slow down! It's so crazy.

And yes, that is a plastic bag of ice. Not sure if it was for her and one of her many falls or possibly Reagan. We are very clumsy around the Pruden house.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Reagie

I just came across this picture of my sweet little girl. I just love it. She is such an amazing little lady. She is so curious and wants to know about everything. She is constantly asking questions and if she doesn't know what a word means she will ask you. She wants to help me do everything. Tonight she was washing the floor with a dish towel. I think she has inherited my obsessive cleaning. Not sure if that is a good thing or not. My absolute favorite part of the day is crawling into bed with her at night to read stories. I just can't believe that this sweet little girl is mine. I am reminded everyday of the struggles we went through to have our girls and I feel so unbelievably blessed to have not one but two little girls in my life. Sweet Reagie and Reesie girl.