Sunday, November 30, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

We decorated our tree and put up all of the lights! Reese isn't too interested in the tree. Well, I take that back, she likes to crawl underneath it and look at all the lights. "Zoom" our elf has been on the move. He is currently in Reagan's stocking! We just can't wait for Christmas! Yay for Reese's first Christmas!!

Lewis Ginter

Decorating the tree


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

9 months old

Can you believe it? Reese is 9 months old. I know I  say it all the time but she is the sweetest baby in the world. She adores Reagan and laughs every time she comes near her. She is crawling all over the place. She claps a lot and LOVES Elmo. She claps every time she sees him. She is such a blessing to this family. We love you, Reesie girl!!

9 months old

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Holly Jolly Christmas

We went to Holly Jolly Christmas in Lakeside this year! The girls loved it and it put us in the Christmas spirit! We looked at all the window displays. I think I loved it more than anyone. It reminded me of being a child and looking at the windows of Miller and Rhodes (downtown). Am I really that old?!

Ralphie from the CHRISTMAS STORY!
Sweet Reese


Sunday, November 2, 2014

And she's crawling....

I can now say that Reese is officially crawling. I was started to get a little worried because Reagan was crawling at 6 months. I know I should not compare the two but it's hard not to. Reese does the army crawl but she is super fast. She loves to get into little tiny spots and when you find her, she thinks it is the funniest thing ever.