Thursday, September 25, 2014

SEVEN months!?!?

There she is! Reese Virginia is 7 months old now. I know I say this every time but "WOW" time is going by so fast. I feel like she was just born. She is getting so big and is such a sweet baby girl. She is much quieter than Reagan. She loves to snuggle and just babbles and babbles. She laughs at anything that Reagan does and she is perfectly content just rolling to get to wherever she needs to go. She has no desire to crawl and that's fine with me!


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Afternoon at Maymont

It was such a nice weekend, we decided to go to Maymont and have lunch. Reese is getting so big and is starting to notice the animals. Reagan loves Maymont and always has so, it is a great place to go! 
sleepy girl 

Reagan and daddy
That is terrifying to me! 

She loves these statues!

Such a big girl 

Having a picnic

Sunday, September 14, 2014

The girls

I can't even begin to explain how much I love having two girls. I always thought that I would have boys. I don't know why, I guess because I babysat from age 11 until after I was married and it was almost always for boys. I thought I understood boys better so when I found out we were having a girl, it took a while to really sink in. I hardly even bought anything pink but then Reagan came along and our world changed. Now, we have two little girls and a house full of pink things, princesses, and dolls! I love it! So, here are a few pictures of my sweet little girls!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pre-school Time

Reagan is going to pre-school for 2 days a week. She was a little nervous at first but now she loves it! I can't believe that she is old enough to be in preschool. Time is just flying by! I wish it would slow down.
First day of preschool 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Getting Ready for School

Reagan is getting ready to start preschool. She is excited and has been talking about it for a while now. I am sure she will do fine but it makes me sad to think that she is getting older and that she is starting school. I can't believe that in two years she will be in kindergarten. Where has the time gone?? I look at my students and think "this is going to be Reagan soon". Such a big girl. We went on Friday to meet her teacher and she had a homework assignment. She was so excited to work on her homework. She decorated her gingerbread man with lots of pink stickers!