Friday, July 25, 2014


How in the world is Reese five months old?? The time has gone by way too fast. I feel like I was just pregnant with her! It's so crazy. She is the sweetest baby in the world. She smiles all the time and loves when Reagan plays with her. She laughs a lot and is very content with just watching everyone around her. She can roll over and will roll and roll until she is all the way across the room. She babbles a lot and the most exciting news for Reese is that she has a tooth! Big girl:)

Friday, July 11, 2014

Busy Summer Days

We have been busy, busy this summer but it has been great. Last summer was not so great since I had severe morning sickness/all day sickness with Reese and poor Reagan had to suffer! But we have made up for it this summer. We have been going to to the pool a lot and trying to get out and do stuff as much as possible. Poor Reese is just along for the ride ALL the time! Reagan is doing gymnastics class and going to a few camps/vacation bible school. She loves it and she is definitely tired at night, especially since naps are out of the question now!

Big girl 
just hanging out

Silly girlie
Love them!
Reagan and Charlie 
the girls 
cute girl 
first day of camp

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th of July

We had a busy 4th of July but it was fun! We spent most of the day at the pool. Then we went to Mamaw and Pop Pop's for a cookout!
Dance moves!

Had to get a picture of her in this outfit!

The googles are great! 

Parade at the pool

Thursday, July 3, 2014