Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Final Snow?

It seems like it has snowed so much this winter. As a teacher, I have certainly enjoyed the days off but I am ready for spring. Maybe this was our last snow storm of the winter. We can only hope! Reagan does love to play in the snow and luckily this time Jason was home to take her out in it. It was super cold and she was ready to come in for hot chocolate!

All bundled up! 
YAY for snow!
Time to play!
Hot Chocolate!! 

Crazy Weather

This weather has been so crazy! One day it was almost 70 degrees outside and then the next day, we had several inches of snow. I am definitely ready for spring to come. We took advantage of the one nice day and played outside on Sunday. I took Reese out but she wasn't too happy out there. Reagan had fun driving her Barbie car, which hasn't been driven much because of all the winter weather this year!  

She finally figured out how to steer! YAY!
Sweet girl 
So cute
Reagan and daddy

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Home with Reese

We are getting adjusted to being a family of four. It has been much easier this time around. Oh, we are really tired but at least I know that part doesn't last forever. Reese is pretty good. She sleeps for long stretches and doesn't scream too much. She is such a sweet little baby and I love being the mommy to two beautiful girls. I just can't believe it! 

Playing with Reese 

Watching a movie 

Big girl 

Reagan and Daddy peeking in on Reese.