Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Reagan the Big Sister

Big Sister 
I was so worried about how Reagan would react to her new sister. One week in, she has been pretty good. She is really into helping with Reese. She is so cute and says the cutest things. In my hormonal state,  her comments have brought on a lot of tears for me. Recently, she said " I think baby sister is really gonna like me." She seems so grown up now and I am so proud of her for being such a great big sister to baby Reese. I can't wait to watch them grow up together! Sisters are so great and I am so happy that these two girls have each other! 

Meeting Reese for the first time

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Welcome Reese

Reese Virginia Pruden finally arrived on Tuesday February 25th. It was quite a long process, longer than I had imagined. Jason and I went to the hospital on Monday night. I was having contractions but nothing else was happening. The doctor ended up breaking my water on Tuesday around 2pm and Reese arrived very quickly, about an hour later. I honestly can't believe that we have been blessed with these two beautiful girls. A few years ago, I thought I would never even have a child of my own and now we have two! It really is a miracle. We are so blessed to have two beautiful and healthy girls!

Reese Virginia Pruden
8lbs 8oz and 20.5 inches long

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Waiting for baby sister

So, we have been waiting for baby sister to arrive any day now! I am feeling miserable and so anxious. We have been trying to stay busy and Reagan definitely helps with that!

Bluegrass Festival

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Reagan and I decided to throw daddy a little birthday party. We had pizza and carrot cake. Reagan did the decorations.

She spent all night trying to blow up the balloons. She said "this is one hard birthday party"
Sweet Reagie Grace, we love you!!

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Yes, we had another 2 snow days this week! It seems like every other week we have some snow days. Though, I am ready to get back to a normal routine, these days have been great since I am super pregnant. I have been able to spend all day with Reagan and rest a little bit. Teaching kindergarten is not the easiest job to have when you are 9 months pregnant. Hopefully not much longer until the baby arrives. I am ready!!

Making some snowballs
YAY for snow days!!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Maymont Nature Center

This weekend, we went to Maymont to the Nature Center. I feel like we won't have too many more outings with just the 3 of us. Baby sister will be arriving soon! I can't believe it! 
Sweet girl

Winter Days

It seems like we have been stuck inside a lot this winter. So, we have come up with a lot of indoor activities to do. Reagan is pretty easy to entertain and has an amazing imagination so, it really doesn't take much. We had a few snow days over the past several weeks and since Reagan didn't mention going out in the snow...well I just decided it was better to stay in. Being super pregnant and out in the snow, isn't too much fun. Here are a few pictures of what we have been up to:)
This entertains her for hours. Paper and glue!
Peanut butter and honey popcorn
She loves bananas