Tuesday, January 28, 2014


A perk of being a teacher is that we get to look forward to snow days!!! Last week, we had a very small amount of snow but had two days off and the students had 4 days off!! I even had my birthday off even though it didn't start snowing until that night! What a great birthday treat!! I got to spend the day with Reagan and go to the doctor to check in on the baby! We spent a lot of time inside trying to stay warm! It was so great to be able to spend some alone time with Reagan because it won't be much longer until her baby sister arrives!

Played with playdoh

We made some cards for daddy

Haircut Time

Reagan's hair was starting to look like a mullet so, I decided to get it cut. She was pretty upset that we didn't go to the overpriced kid haircut place. However, she loved the fact that the new place had lollipops. She looks like a little girl now not a baby!! It makes me sad but she really looks cute!! A new haircut and a big girl bed all in one week!

Cute girlie 

Monday, January 20, 2014


We had today off from school so we went to the Science Museum to see the Dinosaur Exhibit. Reagan was a little scared, she held on to my hand really tight and kept saying she wanted to go play with the blocks. So, we went through quickly and went to see  some other things.

Such a pretty girl

Not too crazy about this guy
A little scared

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Garden Fest of Lights

We finally made it out to see the lights! It was a warm night and the lights were so pretty! Reagan loved them.

Waiting to see the lights
Back of the butterfly
Funny girl

Friday, January 3, 2014

Barbie Car

All Reagan wanted for Christmas was a Barbie Car. Luckily Santa pulled through and brought the car to her! YAY! She was really excited about it and keeps telling me that her baby sister is going to watch her ride in it. For a while, she said that her sister could ride with her but she has since changed her mind. She doesn't totally get the steering part of driving but she still loves the car. We tested it out last week when it wasn't quite so cold.

Barbie Car 
Daddy needed to help a little bit
A minor crash