Thursday, October 31, 2013

Carving Pumpkins

When we got back on Sunday from Farmville, it was time to carve some pumpkins with Reagan. She was pretty excited about it!

I attempted to get a photo of her but she just wanted to hold up a piece of pumpkin goo to her face and tell me that she
"had a mustache" 

Checking out the pumpkin 
Sweet girl


Jason and I went to Hampden Sydney homecoming this weekend. Reagan had a sleep over with The Garnetts, which she loved!! We are so lucky to have Kate and her family watch Reagan!!

Yes, that is a fraternity party going on behind us. 
We spent the night in a "lodge" in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't see a thing when we got there since it was late but in the morning, the view was pretty!
Fall in Farmville

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fall Weather

It has been so nice lately and we have been spending a lot of time outside!
Playing with cars 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Congratulations Laura and Vic

This past weekend, Jason's sister got married. Reagan just adores Laura and (especially) Vic:) The wedding was so beautiful despite the rain and Reagan's minor meltdown. I only took a few pictures but can't wait to see the ones that were taken by the photographer. Reagan now prays for UNCLE VIC at night instead of just Vic.

Last year with Laura and Vic. 
She loves her "Uncle" Vic

A few jelly beans helped with the meltdown:)
Pretty girl
The prettiest flower girl ever! 


Last week we found out that Reagan is going to have a little sister!! YAY! We couldn't be happier! I was secretly wishing for another little girl! I can't wait for Reagan to have a sister. There was a time when I never thought I would never become a mom and I just really can't believe that in just a few months I will have two little girls. I can't believe how blessed we are!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Reagan has been talking about pumpkins for a long time now. So, on Sunday we decided that we would go to Tom Leonards to pick out some pumpkins. Who knew that Tom Leonards could be so much fun!

Trying to pick up a pumpkin
Love her
Running around  like always
They even had some cows!

Football Game

We went to Farmville on Saturday for the HSC football game. It was so hot but Reagan had a lot of fun playing with Stuart. These two were so cute together!! 

Playing some football
It was so hot!
Reagan and Stuart having a snack.
Being silly

Friday, October 4, 2013


Dancing Shoes

Reagan really likes to dress up now. I was wondering if this would ever happen since we had a long stretch of just loving Thomas the Tank Engine. Now, she loves to dress up and wear her "dancing shoes". I have to sit and watch her show, which involves her dancing and spinning around the room in some very unsteady plastic heels. It is pretty entertaining. Here are a few pics of her "show". 

Sweet Reagan Grace


This was taken back in August at Andi's baby shower!

Love this pic:)