Thursday, July 25, 2013

More beach pics

Sweet girl
Reagan is so difficult to take pictures of now!
Reagan and Daddy
This is the best that we could do:)
Pretty Girl
Haha! This makes me laugh:)
We had so much fun at the beach! Can't wait to go back!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


We just returned from a nice, long beach vacation! The weather was great and Reagan had so much fun!

First day on the beach
We made A LOT of sandcastles.
Sweet girl
Getting ready for bed
Love her!
Going for a ride with daddy.
Curly hair!
We spent a lot of nights out on the deck.
Floating with Daddy! She LOVED the waves!
I was good about taking pictures this time so, I have so many more to share!

Monday, July 8, 2013


I can't tell you how excited I am about summer! I just love being at home with Reagan and getting to do all of those fun summer things! Reagan is so full of energy and has decided to stop napping on a regular basis. She definitely still needs a nap. However, since the day she was born she has been a short nap taker so I am pretty used to this. I hear about other children taking a nap for 2 or 3 hours, not Reagan! The good thing is she is super tired by 7pm. Lights out!

Painted toes
Watching the 4th of July Parade at the pool!

Pretty girl
Love that hair!
Carytown Burger and Fries
Happy Summer!