Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Weekend

Reagan had a busy day! We went to Maymont today for the Easter Party. We did not participate in the egg hunt there. But we did walk around, see the animals, and have a picnic. Reagan also saw Nutzy the mascot for the Flying Squirrels. She was a little frightened of him. For some reason she kept saying "Nutzy hurt me" Not sure what that was all about but we just waved and kept on walking.
Looking for the pig
Lunch time!

Reagan and Daddy
We then went to an egg hunt at Mamaw and PopPop's house. Reagan and her cousins found so many eggs and may have eaten a few too many treats that were hidden inside.

Looking for eggs
Pretty girl


Thursday, March 28, 2013


Reagan wants to do EVERYTHING that I do.  I know I should enjoy these times and I DO. Last night Reagan said "I do it Mama, I help make sad-lad" She not only helped but ate several pieces of green pepper shouting "I like sad-lad, mama". What a mess!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Snow

All winter long I have been waiting and waiting for a snow day. We had one or two here and there but I thought my chances were gone. But the week before Spring Break we had one more snow day! YAY. We didn't actually play in it this time but Reagan did like watching it from her window.

Snowy Day

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Weekend! YAY!

I love the weekends! I can't wait to leave work on Friday and go pick up Reagan. It is so nice to be able to just do whatever we want. We don't have to rush in the mornings to get ready for work and Kate's/My mom's house. We can just relax, well somewhat. As much as you can relax with a 21 month old. This weekend, we went to the Irish Festival in Church Hill. Reagan had a lot of fun. We saw a parade and walked all around Church Hill.
We were trying to find the house that my grandparents lived in back in the 1930s but no luck. Come to find out, I had the wrong address:)

Little lady
Today, we went to see the EASTER BUNNY after church. I can't believe that Easter is in one week. We thought we better go see the Easter Bunny quick. Reagan was not scared at all. A totally different story from when we went to see Santa. She loved that ol' Easter Bunny. I did not get a picture on my camera but I did get two nice FREE photos from Bass Pro Shop. We walked all around the store, looking at the fish and animals. We even ate lunch there.

Big Bear!
Waiting for the Easter Bunny

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

21 Months

Reagan will be 21 months tomorrow. WHAT? How did this happen? Where has the time gone? How is it that my precious little baby that would cuddle up in my arms is now talking, running, singing, and dancing. I just want time to freeze. I don't even know what to say about Reagan Grace. She is a mess, a wonderful little mess. She entertains us nonstop. I just can't imagine what life was like before her. What did we do? She sure keeps us busy but I can't imagine life any other way. We love you Reagan Grace!

Such a big girl.

Remember this little lady! 2 months old!

Monday, March 18, 2013


Reagan celebrated Riley's birthday on Sunday. Riley is Kate our babysitters little girl. They are like sisters. We are so blessed that we have such an amazing family to watch Reagan. We don't know what we would do without them!

Donuts and Juice!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Just me and my pink balloon

Reagan had a busy weekend. She got her first haircut, which really wasn't much of a haircut. Since she won't let me put a bow, clip or ponytail in her hair, we had to get it cut. It was in her eyes and the back was a tiny blond mullet. It looks so much better now. We also went shoe shopping. The best part about that is getting the balloon. The whole time we were getting shoes, Reagan said that she didn't like shoes. That's what she says about everything and everyone. I sure hope that is just a phase! Such a little rascal. 

She looks so grown up. I don't like it.
Sweet Reagie