Monday, February 25, 2013

Happy Daddy

Last week, we celebrated Jason's birthday. We went out to eat on Wednesday with Reagan. She was so excited about having a "pizza party". That's all that she could talk about. She even sang Happy Birthday to Daddy. But, it goes more like "Happy, Happy Daddy, Happy, Happy, Daddy". Too cute!

Happy Daddy
Anything in a white box from the Westhampton Bakery has to be yummy!!

Don't like it

Tonight this was the conversation that Jason had with Reagan.

Reagan: Help me daddy, help me
Jason: Help you with what, Reagan?
Reagan: See, See, Monster
Jason: Oh that's not a monster, that's just your shadow.
Reagan: Don't like it

She moved to the other end of her crib so that she couldn't see this "monster" and she kept pointing at it saying...see, see! Don't like it.

She is a mess!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Trying to stay warm!

It was a really cold weekend!! We had to find some indoor things to do. We went to the Science Museum on Saturday and Reagan had so much fun! She is not much of a napper but she slept for almost 3 hours when we got home. She was really tired because she wanted to walk the entire time.
checking everything out
Love that ponytail:)

Looks like she is actually reading the info
We bundled up to go outside to check out the trains.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I you Mama!

Each night before we put Reagan to bed, we read some books, drink some milk (soy milk, that is:) and say our prayers. At the end of each book, Reagan says "AMEN" and at the end of our prayers she says "The End" It makes me laugh every night. Finally, we tuck her in and tell her that we love her. She responds with "I you Mama, I you". How precious is that? I waited so very long to hear those sweet words and I just can't get enough of it. I you, Reagie Grace!

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Reagan LOVES animals. So, we went to Maymont, again. This time we went to the Nature Center and the Farm. She loved the fish but was very scared of the snakes. I don't blame her on that one. She is such a big girl now. I just can't believe it. She says all sorts of things and she just cracks me up.

Getting so tall!
Sweet girl
Checking out some of the chickens.

We also celebrated Papa's birthday this weekend. That's Reagan's great-grandpa. We had pizza and cake (Reagan's favorite:) As soon as we finished singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" she said, "C'mon Mommy, get cake" She quickly got up to the front of the line. Rascal.

Such a big girl, eating her cake.
Love it!!