Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Not too smiley

Reagan can really be a little rascal. I tried all day on Thanksgiving to get a good picture of her and of course she was not having any part of that. She was either running from me or giving me the stink eye! This is the best I could get...still looks cute to me.

Not happy about this one.
Check out all that hair:)

Little Red Coat

Reagan is all ready for Christmas. Brand new red shoes and a new dress coat.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

More Photographs...

Reagan at 5 months:)
So cute!
9 months
One year old!!

Busy Weekends

The weekends just seem to fly by!! We have SO much fun spending time with sweet baby Reagan.
Uh oh... Reagan has discovered my love of cleaning. Do you like the pj's??
Looking for Daddy. Obviously we don't wear matching clothes on the weekends:)
Just reading
Mouthful of goldfish and brand new shoes!
Reagan and Mommy!   

Reagan and Daddy at the football game. She was too busy watching the mascot to look at the camera.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I just received a copy of all the photographs that our friend from church took of Reagan over the past year. It just amazes me! I looked through all of them and it is so crazy that she was once so small. I remember when I was pregnant, everyone told me how fast time goes. I guess I never really believed it . It seemed like it took forever for her to arrive and once she did I thought she would never stop crying. We are truely blessed to have her in our lives!! She is such a big girl! There's a lot more but I will post more later.
This was Reagan at 10 days old!
So Tiny!